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Wednesday 11 June 2014

Havant Men's Shed Committee

The new team charged with driving the Havant Men's Shed forward are:

  • Ann Chawner
  • Joe Clunes
  • Noel Collyer
  • Bunty Hillison
  • Julie Parker
  • Andy Pottinger
  • Roy Stratton
  • John Worley
  • Ken Worrall


The public meeting voted unanimously for the Havant Men's Shed to be formed under the constitution published on our website and following the published Prospectus.

What's more we also have a legitimate and powerful committee (listed below) to drive the project forward. 

We have a lot to do in the next few days before our first formal committee meeting, such as opening a bank account, getting the building insured and gaining
access to the building.

The day started with what amounted to a 3-hour interview on Radio Solent, with Tim Robinson setting up his studio in my garage in Bedhampton. We gave Tim a Blue Peter challenge of making three egg cups - one 3D printed, one out of teak and another from old drain-pipe. 

After his wounds had stopped bleeding we tested all three egg cups with a boiled-egg breakfast. Great fun!

Sunday 1 June 2014

Progress and Preparation

Solid progress on the road to our public meeting on 11th June.

We met for the first time Mandy Harris of Community First whose wide experience with community organisations and remit to help them on their way has been very encouraging.

Thanks to Mandy we have now chosen a Small Charity constitution to present for adoption at the meeting, and we also have a prospectus which sets out our road-map and intentions for the benefit of potential supporters.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Press Release Day

Contacting and sending our press release, to all the press and business contacts we can think of. How to get the word out to retired men who need the Havant Shed. Roy suggests that medical practices might be glad to know about the Shed - so practice managers then.

Through Facebook Ann passes an offer of a folk group to sing/play at our launch meeting - could be rather jolly, or it could turn a chaos into a catastrope - it would certainly make it more memorable.  

Tuesday 20 May 2014

A Shedful of Social Media

Not only does the Havant Shed have its own website and this blog - but it also has a Facebook page and a Twitter account AND all the committee's documents are shared in a Dropbox folder.

Havant Shed Facebook Page
For a group of old codgers that seems quite creditable.

Good meetings

Met at the former Age Concern building for a closer inspection, accompanied by builder Adrian Haylock of Haylock & Pittman. Adrian was reassuring that all the problems of collapsing floor, rotten doors and so on are not serious and ought to be within our ability.
Roof space
We also poked a camera into the roof space - nothing very nasty there, but not a useful space.

The fire doors that need replacing
In the afternoon we had a constructive meeting at Lake House sorting our a press-release, re-wording our leaflet and poster and listing the many things we have to do before our public meeting on 11th June.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Public Meeting planned for 11th June

A date's been set for Wed 11th June starting 2pm at St Nicholas Church Hall in Belmont Grove, Bedhampton, PO9 3PU - thanks to Rector David Proud of Bedhampton Parish.

The public meeting is to recruit members, select a steering committee, begin adopting a constitution and approaching partner organisation like HBC, a bank, supporters, sponsors and grant-giving bodies.

There's so much to do and so much to decide. We're lucky to have a team comprising:

Ann Chawner

Andrew Pottinger

Roy Stratton
John Worley

Havant Shed gets rolling

Suddenly, from a positive meeting with Havant Borough Council (HBC) officers at the former Age Concern building in Fraser Road, Bedhampton, a Havant Shed seems a distinct possibility.

The building is too decayed, leaky, collapsing for other tenants and it may still be demolished - but we want to persuade HBC to allow us to rescue it.

Inside - apart from the leaks, broken windows, rotten doors, collapsed floors, condemned boiler and a few other difficulties - it's perfect! The carpet contrast beautifully with the curtains.

Now that the Havant Shed project is live, it has acquired a logo and its own website:

and the website offers -

  • a membership application form
  • a publicity leaflet
  • a draft constitution
The steering committed has now met twice, and members of it busy planning a public meeting and forging links with people who may help realise our dream.

(the new website is part of website that is alternatively named "Greater Havant" - we believe they can coexist for the time being.)

Friday 24 January 2014

Should We Create a Havant Shed?

The Mens Shed movement started in Australia (1000 Sheds) and via Ireland (200 Sheds) and since summer 2013 is spreading through England (about 66 Sheds so far).

Sheds are spaces where people (mainly men) can gather to share skills, tools and enthusiasm - or just drink coffee if they prefer. Whether the shared tools and skills are carpentry, welding or electronics depends entirely upon its members.

Giving people reason to get up, to go out, and to make friends is obviously good for the retired, for the community, and since any such gathering is likely to have skilled individuals, good also for the buildings that host Sheds. 

Should Havant have a Shed?

Havant Borough Council is known to be enthusiastic, and so are other organisations concerned with the welfare of the elderly and the unemployed. There is lots of advice from the national Mens Shed Organisation and good local examples in the Gosport Shed and new Sheds at Southbourne and Petworth. There are also moves to create Sheds in Portsmouth and Waterlooville.

The Havant Shed Plan

  • Find people who are interested
  • Form a Steering Group
  • Hunt for suitable premises
  • Gather support (HBC, businesses, councillors, our MP etc)
  • Get Publicity
  • Open

Interested in helping?

Please contact: John Worley (johnaworley@aol.com023 9248 3217 and leave your contact details to be added to the list of people interested in forming a Havant Shed.